What are the keys to success with Agile development?

Agile is not just a set of tools or processes to follow; it is an attitude or mindset that goes beyond the mere implementation of a framework. Without an understanding of the Agile Mindset, Values and Principles, all that you’re doing is following a set of rituals or processes.

The Agile Mindset is a way of thinking that values flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement over rigid planning and execution. And the Agile Values and Principles help spell that out.

The Agile Mindset

At its core, the Agile mindset is all about being adaptive, flexible, and customer-focused. The Agile approach emphasizes delivering value to the customer and adjusting to their needs and feedback rather than following a fixed plan. Agile teams work in short cycles, called sprints or iterations, where they deliver working software or products incrementally, rather than waiting until the end of a project to deliver a final product. This iterative approach enables teams to receive feedback from the customer early and often, allowing them to make necessary changes and adjustments quickly.

One of the essential principles of Agile is collaboration. Agile teams are cross-functional, meaning that they consist of members with various skills and expertise. They work together to achieve the common goal of delivering value to the customer. Collaboration helps break down silos, encourages communication, and fosters a sense of ownership and accountability among team members. Agile teams also value the input of the customer and involve them in the development process, encouraging them to provide feedback and suggestions.

Another important aspect of the Agile mindset is continuous improvement. Agile teams are always looking for ways to improve their processes and the quality of their output. They do this by reflecting on their work at the end of each sprint or iteration and making adjustments to their approach. Continuous improvement is not limited to the development process; it also extends to team dynamics and collaboration. Agile teams strive to create a culture of learning, where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas, making mistakes, and experimenting with new approaches.

The Agile Manifesto

The Agile Manifesto was written by a group of software developers in 2001, outlining what is important in Agile. It comprises four main values and twelve principles.

The Agile Values

The four Agile values are:

  1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
    This value emphasizes the importance of people in the software development process. Agile teams prioritize communication, collaboration, and feedback to ensure that they deliver the best possible outcome.
  2. Working software over comprehensive documentation
    This value emphasizes the importance of delivering working software rather than focusing on documentation. Agile teams prioritize delivering a minimum viable product (MVP) and iterating on it to deliver value to the customer.
  3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
    This value emphasizes the importance of involving the customer in the development process. Agile teams work closely with customers to ensure that they deliver what the customer needs.
  4. Responding to change over following a plan
    This value emphasizes the importance of being adaptable and flexible in the software development process. Agile teams embrace change and iterate quickly to deliver value to the customer.

Note that the Manifesto also says that “while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more”. It’s not doing away with plans or documentation, for example, but valuing getting the work to Done more.

The Agile Principles

Now let’s look at each of the Agile principles and how they contribute to the success of Agile projects.

  1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software
    Agile teams focus on delivering value to their customers as quickly as possible. By delivering working software early and often, they can get feedback from customers and stakeholders, which helps them refine their approach and deliver software that meets their needs.
  2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development
    Agile projects are characterized by a high degree of flexibility. Agile teams are willing to change direction mid-project if it means delivering better software. This means that requirements are not set in stone and can be adjusted as needed throughout the development process.
  3. Deliver working software frequently, with a preference for shorter timescales
    Agile teams aim to deliver working software in short timeframes, usually between two and four weeks. This enables them to respond quickly to changing requirements and deliver value to their customers more frequently.
  4. Collaborate with customers and stakeholders throughout the project
    Agile teams work closely with their customers and stakeholders throughout the development process. This collaboration helps ensure that the software being developed meets the needs of the end-users and is aligned with the overall goals of the project.
  5. Build projects around motivated individuals and give them the support they need, and trust them to get the job done.
    Agile teams are made up of self-motivated individuals who work collaboratively to deliver software. They are given the support they need to do their jobs, including the tools, training, and resources required to be successful.
  6. Use face-to-face communication as much as possible
    Agile teams prioritize face-to-face communication, whether it’s through in-person meetings or video conferencing. This helps build trust and fosters collaboration among team members.
  7. Working software is the primary measure of progress
    Agile teams focus on delivering working software as the primary measure of progress. This helps them ensure that they are delivering value to their customers as early as consistently as possible, and enables them to make adjustments quickly if needed.
  8. Maintain a sustainable pace of work
    Agile teams work at a sustainable pace, which means they are able to maintain their productivity over the long term without burning out or sacrificing quality. This helps ensure that they are able to consistently deliver high-quality software.
  9. Continuously focus on technical excellence and good design
    Agile teams prioritize technical excellence and good design, which helps ensure that the software they develop is maintainable, scalable, and extensible. This means that they are able to adapt quickly to changing requirements and deliver software that meets the needs of their customers.
  10. Simplicity is essential
    Agile teams prioritize simplicity in their approach to software development. This means they focus on delivering the minimum viable product that meets the needs of their customers, rather than adding unnecessary features or complexity. No gold-plating.
  11. Self-organizing teams are the most effective
    Agile teams are self-organizing, which means they have the freedom to determine the best way to approach their work. This fosters creativity and innovation and enables team members to take ownership of their work and contribute their unique skills and perspectives.
  12. Regular reflection and adaptation to improve processes and outcomes
    Agile teams regularly reflect on their processes and outcomes to identify areas for improvement. This helps them continuously improve their approach to software development and deliver higher-quality software to their customers.

In conclusion, the Agile mindset is a way of thinking that values flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement. It is an approach that enables teams to adapt to changing circumstances and customer needs quickly. Adopting an Agile mindset requires a willingness to embrace change, a focus on delivering value to the customer, and a commitment to continuous improvement. By adopting the Agile mindset, keeping in mind the Agile Values and Principles, teams can create a culture of collaboration, innovation, and excellence that enables them to deliver high-quality products or services.  The teams are encouraged and supported to be and deliver the best they can.

Scrum vs Kanban

Two of the most widely used agile frameworks are Scrum and Kanban, both of which offer different approaches to agile development. In this article, we’ll compare Scrum and Kanban, highlighting their similarities and differences to help you decide which one might be the best fit for your team.


Scrum is an agile framework that is designed to help teams deliver high-quality software in short, iterative sprints. Scrum consists of several roles, including a product owner, a Scrum master, and a development team. The product owner is responsible for defining the product backlog, which is a prioritized list of features and requirements for the product. The Scrum master is responsible for ensuring that the Scrum process is followed and facilitating communication between the development team and the product owner. The development team is responsible for completing the work and delivering the product.

Scrum emphasizes time-boxed sprints, which typically last between one and four weeks, during which the development team works on a specific set of tasks. The sprint begins with a sprint planning meeting, during which the development team and the product owner determine which items from the product backlog will be completed during the sprint. The team then works on those items, holding daily stand-up meetings to track progress and identify any obstacles that need to be addressed. At the end of the sprint, the team holds a sprint review meeting to demonstrate the completed work to the product owner and other stakeholders and a retrospective meeting to identify areas for improvement in the next sprint.


Kanban is an agile methodology that focuses on continuous delivery and a visual representation of the workflow. Kanban originated in manufacturing and has been adapted for use in software development. Kanban is based on the idea of visualizing work, limiting work in progress, and focusing on continuous delivery. A Kanban board is used to visualize the workflow, with each work item represented as a card on the board.

Kanban doesn’t have roles like Scrum; instead, it emphasizes collaboration and self-organization. The team determines which work items are a priority and works on them in a continuous flow, rather than in time-boxed sprints. The team focuses on limiting work in progress, which helps prevent overloading the team with too much work at once. Kanban also emphasizes continuous delivery, meaning that the team delivers completed work items as soon as they are ready.

Comparing Scrum and Kanban

Now that we’ve looked at the basics of Scrum and Kanban, let’s compare the two frameworks:

  1. Time-boxed sprints vs. continuous delivery: Scrum emphasizes time-boxed sprints, while Kanban focuses on continuous delivery. Scrum can help teams stay focused and on track by breaking the work down into smaller, manageable chunks. Kanban allows for more flexibility, with the team working on items as they are ready.
  2. Roles vs. collaboration: Scrum has defined roles, while Kanban emphasizes collaboration and self-organization. Scrum’s defined roles can be helpful for teams that need more structure and guidance, while Kanban’s emphasis on collaboration can be helpful for teams that are more experienced and self-directed.
  3. Sprint planning vs. continuous flow: Scrum begins each sprint with a planning meeting, while Kanban focuses on continuous flow. Sprint planning can help ensure that the team is working on the most important items, while continuous flow allows for more flexibility in prioritizing work.
  4. Sprint review and retrospective vs. continuous improvement: Scrum holds sprint review and retrospective meetings at the end of each sprint, while Kanban emphasizes continuous improvement. Sprint review and retrospective meetings can be helpful for identifying areas for improvement in the next sprint, while continuous improvement in Kanban allows for ongoing reflection and optimization of the workflow.
  5. Visual representation vs. formal process: Kanban’s emphasis on the visual representation of the workflow can make it easier for the team to understand and manage their work, while Scrum’s formal process can provide more structure and clarity.
  6. Predictability vs. flexibility: Scrum’s time-boxed sprints and defined roles can help provide predictability in terms of what work will be completed in a given sprint, while Kanban’s flexibility can allow for more adaptability to changing priorities.

Which one should you choose?

Ultimately, the choice between Scrum and Kanban will depend on your team’s specific needs and preferences. Scrum can be a good fit for teams that prefer more structure and predictability, while Kanban can be a good fit for teams that prefer more flexibility and collaboration. If your team is new to agile methodologies, Scrum may be a good place to start, as its defined roles and structured process can help provide guidance and support. If your team is more experienced and self-directed, Kanban may be a good fit, as its focus on continuous delivery and collaboration can allow for more autonomy and creativity.

In conclusion, both Scrum and Kanban offer valuable approaches to agile development, and it’s up to you to decide which one is the best fit for your team. By considering the similarities and differences between the two frameworks, you can make an informed decision that will help your team work more efficiently, collaboratively, and productively.